Hello! This is the roof under which is housed four straight months of panicked typing, feverish rereading, and hopefully, a whole lot of learning. Coming into English 305, I knew I was in for a high workload and a lot of pressure–reading two difficult Shakespeare plays (The Tempest and Hamlet) in just days each, learning six frames of literary analysis rapid-fire, and coming up with three or four drafts of six full-length essays on the aforementioned plays and literary theories is a lot to ask of anyone, even an English major like myself (especially when the English major in question is much more fond of writing novels than literary critiques, just saying).
Nevertheless, it’s easy to say that I have come away from this experience a more efficient, organized, knowledgeable, and well-rounded writer. I got to test out different literary theories, give a creative overhaul to my academic writing process, and rediscover what works for me and what doesn’t–and what to do in either situation besides just shrugging and hitting the “Submit Assignment” button. This portfolio is a record of all the semester’s ups and downs, documenting each paper’s journey and drafting stages in my process portfolio, and adorning my four most successful papers with a thorough polish and a place in my presentation portfolio–both of which are accessible in the links above.
While I’m pleased to be finished with the coursework, I’m also pleased to be able to look back upon it and be proud of each and every essay, as what I learned in English 305 resulted in the best and most thoroughly-revised papers of my college career. I hope you find something that tickles your fancy.